Thursday, December 12, 2013

Masking My Face?

Add the foam onto the mask to make the facial features come alive.....   

After cutting the mask and adding the foam for facial features, we then add the cheesecloth the mask for the skin on the mask

Now after painting our mask with acrylic paint, we then need to spray this Elmer's spray adhesive glue to the inside of the mask so that we can add that soft, cushy felt and then we place the felt that has been cut to the shape of the mask for a perfect fit as seen BELOW......

The felt has been added and now it is time to punch some holes in the sides to add the elastic strap on the back........Let's Go!!!!

This is it.....the mask is complete with elastic and now...........LOOK OUT BELOW......


Tada............Do have have a set of twins or what....hahahaha!!!.....Whoo....glad that's over....hahaha!!!...This was fun!!


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