Wednesday, October 2, 2013


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Cross stitch
The tag is sown with a cross stitch.  Start by threading needle single string only
make knot by wrapping thread around needle 3 times.
Start back to front, pushing needle through and angle the needle to go to back side and straight stitch and repeat.  When finished knot thread by wrapping 3 times and cut off excess thread.

The 4-hole button
This button was sown on by threading needle, double thread not single, knot and start from the back side and insert needle through hole in button, go to the hole next to that hole and push needle/thread back through.  Repeat several time to secure button. (do not cross corner on front of button).  Cross corner back side and repeat steps to continue to secure button to material.

The 4-button shanked 
 Repeat steps for 4-hole button. Double thread not single, knot and start from the back side and insert needle through hole in button, go to the hole next to that hole and push needle/thread back through. Repeat several time to secure button. (do not cross corner on front of button). Cross corner back side and repeat steps to continue to secure button to material, then take the thread and wrap it around the thread of button (not too tight or material will pucker). Wrap needle to knot and cut excess thread.

Shank Button
Double thread needle and knot, push needle through back of material into the hole of back of button. Push needle out back side and repeat steps to secure button to fabric.  Wrap thread 3 times to knot and trim thread.

Slip Stitch
Thread needle and knot by wrapping thread 3 times around needle.  Double fold material and insert needle from the back and only attach flap of material all the way across material, knot and trim thread.

Cross Stitch
Thread needle and knot single thread, attach label by inserting needle through the front to back and make a small side stitch


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